On October 11, 2023, Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario, announced $663,500 in funding to help clean up Lake Superior and the connected waterways.
The Remedial Action Plan office at Lakehead University received over $480,000 of the funds. This money will be used over the next two years to support our continued work at the Superior Fine Papers Habitat Restoration site, the Pool 6 Cruise Ship Terminal, as well as the continued implementation of the Remedial Action Plan at our four Area of Concern locations on the North Shore.
“There’s been a heavy industrial use of the lake over decades and decades, whether it’s pulp and paper or forestry or other kinds of industries, that have caused the lake to decline in quality and really put stress on the habitat that uses the lake.” Hajdu said she wanted to recognize the local community organizations and researchers that have been working toward restoring the lake. “Today’s announcement gives them the financial resources to be able to continue that work.